Dental implants – Frequently asked questions

Dental implants – Frequently asked questions

Dental implants – Frequently asked questions.Medicine is a complex and nuanced field of knowledge. It is very difficult to get a straightforward answer when something as complex as the human body is involved. If we find ourselves in a completely new situation for us, the natural instinct is to increase our knowledge about it. Today, let’s take a look at the most frequently asked questions about dental implants and the procedure itself and everything around it.

The most frequently asked question in all matters of surgery and health is how safe the procedure itself is. In this case, the answer is very pleasant to give because there is no need to worry. The procedure itself is at the same level of difficulty as extracting an eight, the so-called wisdom tooth. The difference in this case is that the tooth is extracted much more often than the insertion of a dental implant. Therefore, there are few specialists, i.e. implantologists.

While the procedure itself is safe, detailed diagnostics is required for it. X-ray pictures are a minimum, but there is often a need to refine the condition of the teeth ad hoc. Unfortunately, not all clinics can ensure having more than one implantologist. In Poland, relatively few dental implant installation procedures are performed on an annual basis, so the equipment and staff with the necessary preparation are rather scarce. So the more preparation for surgery, the better.

Secondly, people ask about the cost of a dental implant. Here, unfortunately, the way it is in most cases in the world, i.e. different. However, in order not to be groundless and not to resort to banalities, a specific number may be two thousand zlotys. The prices of dental implants themselves begin more or less from this level, and the costs increase with the level of the clinic, the equipment used, the anesthesia used during the procedure, and so on.

Of course, people may wonder about this price, because we are always looking for the most economical solutions. However, it is worth answering the question right away that this price is due to the extremely expensive equipment, qualified personnel with experience and the cost of the titanium implant and its crown. If more people would decide to take such measures, then automatically more entrepreneurs would decide to introduce this service. Currently, however, dental implants are more of a luxury than a standard thing that everyone goes through.

Almost everyone is stressed about visiting the dentist, let alone something as invasive as surgery. The standard question of every patient is the famous “will it hurt?” Therefore, answering the question: yes, it is a very painful procedure. It is just like all procedures, so it is done under local or general anesthesia at the patient’s request. This is for sure what people prefer to hear, i.e. the fact that they won’t feel anything during the dental implant surgery. The best operations and uneventful cases look like the incision is made, the screw is installed, the ice is applied for a few hours and the next day you can go to work. This is the twenty-first century, and there is no need to worry.

Postoperative issues are more complicated. However, if someone has had any tooth extractions, this is where he should have experience. There will be a withdrawal from hot food, careful chewing, not eating hard stuff so that pressure won’t damage the fresh screw, and so on, easy to deduce. After a dozen or so days, the first follow-up visit usually takes place, as long as there have been no signs of going to a doctor quickly for a consultation.

Not everyone knows which people can undergo dental implant surgery. The answer to this question is very simple: almost all of them. What are the people who cannot undergo this surgery? It should be avoided mainly by children whose organisms are still developing, bones grow very quickly, the arrangement of the teeth is constantly changing and does not allow the safe implementation of a dental implant.

There are no fixed rules among health contraindications. The diagnosing doctor should find out for himself, but there is no disease that rejects the possibility of a dental implant in one hundred percent of cases. Even in people of advanced age or with osteoporosis, it is a possible solution.

Finally, for those who wait as long as possible: don’t waste any time. The sooner we decide on a dental implant, the better we will use the hole created by the natural tooth. Unfortunately, the alveolus will heal quickly, the bone will retract, and this can later cause problems during the surgery and healing period.

Armed with the answers to these questions, we should be much more aware of what is involved with the installation of dental implants. Most of the questions arise more from the fear of patients who do not know what to expect, as it is not a procedure that everyone undergoes, nor often. There are few contraindications for dental implants, the procedure itself is not dangerous or complicated. Therefore, it is worth considering overcoming your fear and going to the clinic in person to find out for your own health.