When to give vitamin C to babies?

When to give vitamin C to babies? Every parent tries to build their children’s immunity from the first days of their lives. For this purpose, we provide, for example, vitamin D, as well as DHA acids. Many pediatricians advise that babies should also be given vitamin C. When should vitamin C be given to babies? we answer.

Need supplementation?

At discharge from the hospital, each parent receives instructions on how to care for a newborn. Among them, there is, for example, the recommended dose of vitamin D, sometimes also vitamin K. Nevertheless, we rarely find information about vitamin C in them. Does this mean that it is not worth giving it to children? In general, newborns should not be given too many dietary supplements. Their bodies have not yet developed enough to be able to accept everything without much problem. It may turn out that too extensive supplementation will negatively affect the digestive system of the newborn.

Doctors advise that with a newborn baby leave the house for walks, but only in places where there are not too many people. Visits from family or friends should take place when the baby is 28 days old. It is then that he ceases to be a newborn and begins to be an infant, according to medical nomenclature. Most preparations containing vitamin C are dedicated to children after the first month of life. They should not be administered beforehand, unless we receive the appropriate consent of the doctor. Most often, however, if there are no reasons for this, doctors advise to wait a bit with vitamin C supplementation.

When to give vitamin C to babies?

According to medical recommendations, vitamin C can be given to children over 1 month of age. However, this is not always necessary. In case the child is sick, we can give vitamin C. The same applies if there is an older child in the house. Bringing illness, for example from kindergarten, is usually a matter of time. To support the baby’s immunity, we can give him vitamin C. During the flu season, we can also support the baby with vitamin C. However, its dose should be determined by the doctor.

Theoretically, we give children 5 to 8 drops a day. Nevertheless, it is the doctor who will determine the dose that will cover the daily requirement for vitamin C. It is different in naturally fed children than in formula-fed children. It already contains some amount of vitamin C. If you did not include vitamin C in your child’s diet when he turned one month old, we can do it at any time. It doesn’t matter if the baby is a few months old or 2 years old. Vitamin C should be used especially in autumn, spring and winter. In summer, we can provide it with food. Of course, this does not apply to infants who are at least 4 months old – they do not accept anything other than milk. Nevertheless, if the baby is already 8-12 months old.

Supplementation in disease

The issue of vitamin C supplementation looks a bit different when the child is ill or is born prematurely. The immune system of premature babies is very underdeveloped, so we must support it in every possible way. One of them is vitamin C supplementation. On the other hand, we must be careful that the acid does not damage the child’s digestive system. For this reason, we should consult the intake of vitamin C with the attending physician.

Usually, mothers of premature babies receive appropriate recommendations already in the hospital. The same applies to parents of children who are ill. Their immunity is also weakened, so we need to support it. On the other hand, we must do it wisely so as not to harm the child. A dietary supplement in the form of vitamin C should be discussed with your doctor each time. We cannot introduce this vitamin to the diet without the consent of the doctor in the case of burdened children.

To supplement or not?

Many parents wonder whether to give their infants vitamin C. Indeed, among the medical recommendations we will not find any that would unequivocally speak about the advantages of using additional vitamin C. Doctors say a lot about vitamin D and K, but few opinions about vitamin C. Well so consult your pediatrician. Many parents notice that the child has much better immunity if he takes vitamin C. This is especially true for parents of babies who get sick a lot.

Contrary to appearances, the problem of diseases does not only concern preschool or school children. Often it is the poor immunity of babies that makes them catch diseases after every walk. For older children, we can perform a blood test, on the basis of which the doctor will assess the need for vitamin C. Remember that vitamin C supplementation alone is not enough to cure the infant of the disease. It is only an adjuvant, but does not have a strictly therapeutic effect. What’s more, vitamin C builds immunity rather than works when a small organism has already been attacked by an infection.