Cellulite – causes and ways to fight orange peel

Cellulite – causes and ways to fight orange peel

Cellulite – causes and ways to fight orange peel: Cellulite is a problem that keeps many people awake at night. Although it occurs in both men and women, it is much more common for women. Below we answer what exactly is cellulite, what types of this problem occur and how to effectively get rid of it. 

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is distorted tissue that appears under the skin, creating a lumpy, unpleasant structure. Cellulite is most common in the thighs, breasts and abdomen. Due to its appearance, it has gained the common name of “orange peel”. Its extent and appearance indicate the degree of advancement – the more cellulite is visible, the harder it will be to get rid of it.

Types of cellulite 

Basically, cellulite is divided into two types, depending on the substrate on which it is formed. Fat cellulite, i.e. soft cellulite, is formed as a result of the growth of fat cells, which form clumps. Due to their pressure on the blood vessels, it becomes impossible to remove water and toxins from the tissues. This type of cellulite is most common in sedentary, physically inactive people. On the other hand, the second type of cellulite, aquatic, results from the excessive accumulation of water and toxins in the tissues, which results in an increase in lipids in the subcutaneous tissue and the famous “orange peel”.

Where does cellulite come from – possible causes

Unfortunately, cellulite, regardless of its type, is very common and the reasons for its formation are very different. Cellulite suffers mainly from people who take too little exercise and spend most of their lives sitting down. Diet is also of great importance in this case. Cellulite often appears in people who eat foods high in sugar and salt. Smoking cigarettes – This is another possible cause of cellulite (and perhaps another reason to quit smoking). The reasons for the formation of the “orange peel”, however, can also be related to health. It often happens that the cause is hormonal disorders, e.g. a predominance of estrogen, with a simultaneous deficiency of progesterone. It also happens that cellulite is caused by circulation problems. Therefore, let’s remember

Cellulite and cellulitis

We often confuse cellulite with cellulite. It should be clearly stated that these are completely different phenomena and therefore their names should not be used interchangeably. Cellulite, as already mentioned, is a distorted, unevenly distributed subcutaneous tissue. Cellulitis is a serious bacterial disease that requires treatment with antibiotics. The infection affects the tendons, the muscle fascia, and can spread to the muscles themselves. Swelling, pain and redness of the infected area are characteristic of cellulite. There may also be fever and purulent lesions on the skin. It is important not to underestimate the symptoms of cellulite, as in the worst cases the tissues may die, which unfortunately requires immediate surgical intervention.

Ways to eliminate cellulite

The sooner we notice the problem of cellulite, the better. In the early stages, when it is not yet very visible, getting rid of it will not require great sacrifices or much effort. It should be remembered that in prevention it is enough to introduce a few slight changes in the lifestyle, but when we want to get rid of unsightly, painful lumps, which are already the most serious degree of cellulite, the task may turn out to be much more difficult. So what are the ways to get rid of cellulite?

Diet and exercise

The easiest way to get rid of cellulite is to make some changes to your diet and lifestyle. First of all, we should start to avoid excessive salt and sugar consumption – especially the former contributes to the retention of salt in the body and promotes the formation of “orange peel”. Specialists also advise you to avoid white bread – it is better to switch to healthy, whole grain and dark ones. Cellulite is also conducive to drinking large amounts of alcohol and smoking cigarettes, so in order to avoid it, we should limit the share of these stimulants in our lives. What, however, supports the fight against cellulite? Certainly, all kinds of vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, which, by regulating the work of the intestines, helps to remove toxins and waste products from the body. It is also a good idea to choose products with a lot of vitamin C, which makes the skin elastic.

Don’t forget about traffic! In the beginning, short walks and exercises performed at home are all you need to prevent unwanted “orange peel” formation.

Visit to a specialist

In the case of advanced cellulite, it may be necessary to visit a specialist to get rid of the problem. There are many ways to fight cellulite, so it is important to consult, which will allow you to determine the best method of fighting “orange peel”. Non-invasive treatments include needle-free mesotherapy and endermology. Lymphatic drainage is also often recommended – a procedure that aims to stimulate lymph circulation and intracellular metabolism.